Thursday 3 May 2012

Protect my folder with password in cPanel

How can I protect my folder with password in cPanel

To protect the folder on the web with password, please follow the steps :-

1) Login to cPanel.

2) Click on "Password Protect Directories " icon under "Security" setting.

3) Select the folder you wish to protect with "Password".

4) Enter the "Name the protected directory" which will appear when user try to access that directory.

5) Click on "Save".

Now you need to add the user that can access that directory from web. To add a user please follow the following steps :-

1) Click on "Password Protect Directories " icon under "Security" setting.

2) Select the folder you wish to protect with "Password".

3) Enter the following details under " Create User " :-

Username :-Enter the user name that will access that folder.

Password :- Password for that user.

4) Click on "Add/modify authorized user" once you have entered the details.

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