Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Virtuozzo - VPS commands - Open VZ commands

Open VZ Commands

vz -> recommends ext3 file system
PIM -> IP:4643
PMC -> mangaing h/w node
PPP -> for managing a single container
All the above things need a license from parallel


OS template -> vzpkg (cache needs to created before creating the container)
EZ template -> points to the repository that contains packages that constitute the template
Application template -> mysql template

To create a container

vzctl create
the container ID > 100
32 -bit integer
ID - 0 -> h/w node
ID -1 -> service container

/etc/vz/conf -> for the sample file names (only use the main part of the file name)

vzctl set - configure the container
vzctl exec - run anything on the container
vzctl status/vzlist 101

vzpkg - for adding application templates on h/w node (/vz/templates)
- the same command can be used for installing/removing the template into a the container.

Virtuozzo - User's guide

OS virtualization - (1-2% of is spent on the virtualization s/w)
VZFS - allows sharing of common files among containers
Hardware node & Containers


Standard migration

Zero downtime migration
vzmigrate --online --require-realtime 101

Move the container within the h/w node

Backup & restore

Reinstall container
vzctl recover -> restores the VZFS symlinks
vzctl reinstall -> creates new private area for the container, copies the old private area to /old dir
- vps.configure, vps.reinstall

Delete the container
vzctl destroy

Disabling the container
vzctl set

Suspending the container
vzctl suspend

Setting up resources
disk quotas - first level(how much files or disk space the container can use) and second level (quotaugidlimit > no of entries in /etc/passwd or group files)
Container must be restarted to come this changes into effect

vzquota - to check the status of the quota info

Cleaning up containers - to move identical files from contrainers to /vz/template/vc folder

Linking container files with application templates
vzpkg link

Managing CPU - cpu share and the number of processors the node can make use of.

Network traffic
/etc/vz/conf/networks_classes - after any changes, you need to service vz accrestart
class 0 - no accounting will be performed
class 1 - defined by containers to match any IP address

Bandwidth management (outgoing traffic)
service vz shaperon, shaperrestart, shaperoff
BANDWIDTH -> kilobites per second

For container
RATE -> ::
RATEBOUND -> to specify if the bandwidth is limited to the RATEBOUND

Monitoring tools


Virtuozzo networks
vznetcfg if list

vznetcfg vlan add eth0 5
vznetcfg vlan del eth0.5

vznetcfg net addif vznetwork1 eth0
vznetcfg net delif eth0

vznetcfg net new vznetwork1
vznetcfg net del vznetwork1
vznetcfg net list

venet0 --?


Keeping system up2date
The h/w node can be updated using the normal update procedures without affecting virtuozzo
vzup2date - /etc/sysconfig/vzup2date/vzup2date.conf
vzup2date -m batch install --core
vzup2date -t -m batch install --all-os

Updating the containers
vzpkg update 101 redhat-el5-x86
vzpkg update 101
vzpkg update cache fedora-core-8-x86

Loading iptables modules


Virtuozzo - Templates management guide


vzpkg - for managing VZ template
vzpkgls - for listing standard template

vzpkg install -p 110 yum

Virtuozzo - Managing UBC Resources


SLM parameters

i-node setups

ext3 - 1 inode per every 4K

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