Sunday 22 April 2012

Identfy spamming accounts in cPanel servers

For detailed troubleshooting on Spamming issue in cPanel servers, refer the following link.

In this post, we have provided the script to identify accounts that is senting more mails in a day.

awk -v dt=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" --date "$(date +"%F %T") 1 days ago") '$1~dt && $0~/ [UA]=/ &&  $0!~/U=(mailnull)/ {printf("%s %s",$1,$2); for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ /\<[UA]=/) printf(" %s\n",$i)}' /var/log/exim_mainlog | sed -r 's/(:..:..|\<U=|\<A=|courier_login:|courier_plain:)//g'| sort -f | uniq -c | awk '$1>50 {print}'

If you execute this script then, you will get the account that is senting more mails in a day with number of emails.

Courtesy: Madhan Kumar(Collegue)


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