Sunday 29 January 2012

Modules install with Apache to avoid DDOS attacks.

Modules install with Apache to avoid DDOS attacks:

To mitigate DDoS attacks, you can install :


1) "Mod_security" : "Mod_security" is a module which helps us to protect our server from exploits that are passed though apache. Mod_security does this by inspecting the information send in apache and filtering out all of the "bad" requests as determined by the set of rules specified in the Apache configuration file.

2) "Mod_dosevasive" : "Mod_dosevasive" helps to prevent the overloading of a web server from a quest based attack, script attacks, brute force attacks, or even some malicious CGI scripts. Once it detects a problem it will add the offending IP to APF, which must be installed.

3) "Mod_limitipconn" : Apache module "Mod_limitipconn" allows web server administrators to limit the number of simultaneous downloads permitted from a single IP address.

4) "D)DoS-Deflate" : "(D)DoS-Deflate" script basically monitors and tracks the IP addresses which are sending and establishing large amount of TCP network connections.

1. > mod_security

2. > dos_deflate

3. > mod_evasive

 You can install these modules in the server to mitigate DDoS attack

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