Monday 30 May 2011

H-Sphere Locations

Root directory in HSphere: /hsphere/local

Configuration files:

Common path - /hsphere/local/config
Control panel - /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/arjun/psoft_config/
DNS - /etc/named.conf
The main named directory - /hsphere/local/var/named/
HTTP - /hsphere/local/config/httpd/httpd.conf
FTP - /hsphere/local/config/ftpd/proftpd.conf
Qmail - /hsphere/local/var/qmail/control/
Mysql - /etc/my.cnf
php.ini - /hsphere/local/config/httpd/php.ini or /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Control Panel features - /hsphere/local/home/cpanel
Scripts in hsphere - /hsphere/shared/scripts/
Location of domains - /hsphere/local/home//
Qmail - /hsphere/local/var/qmail(A symbolic link given to /var/qmail)
Mails - /hsphere/local/var/vpopmail/domains

Log files paths:

HSphere - /var/log/hsphere/hsphere.log
DNS - /var/log/messages
HTTP - /hsphere/local/var/httpd/logs/
Mail - /var/log/maillog
Horde - /hsphere/local/var/horde/log
FTP - /hsphere/local/var/proftpd/xferlog OR /var/log/proftpd/auth.log
MySQL - /var/log/mysqld.log

Statistics: Webalizer and Modlogan

/hsphere/local/var/staticstics - statistics results from rotatelogs (used for bandwith metering)
/hsphere/shared/ - modlogan and webalizer files
/hsphere/shared/apache/conf/modlogan_user.cfg - ModLogAn config file
/hsphere/shared/apache/conf/webalizer_user.cfg - webalizer config file (if MySQL is installed)
/hsphere/shared/skel/webalizer - skeleton files for webalizer section of the site.
/hsphere/shared/skel/modlogan - skeleton files for ModLogAn section of the site.

FTP and Frontpage:

/hsphere/local/var/proftpd/ - ftp log files
/hsphere/local/config/ftpd/ - ftp config files
/hsphere/shared/sbin/proftpd - ftp daemon file
/hsphere/shared/frontpage - FrontPage installation
/hsphere/local/var/frontpage - FrontPage config files


/hsphere/local/network/ips - all IP addresses and their netmasks that will be brought up by the system at start up. Used by H-Sphere to control IPs on the server.
/hsphere/shared/apache/htdocs - document root. Place index.html into this directory.
/hsphere/shared/apache/webshell - WebShell installation. This is a web based file manager that comes with H-Sphere
/hsphere/shared/skel - skeleton files for user sites. These are html pages that users see at their address before they upload their site content.
/hsphere/shared/skel/website - skeleton files for new sites
/hsphere/shared/skel/suspended - skeleton files for suspended sites
/hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/logs/ssl_engine_log - SSL log file in hshpere

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